
[OTHER] 130524 'Korean Music Sensation Vol. 1' Thailand Concert Posters

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[PHOTO] 130524 Post Making Star VOL.2 <유키스_여훈민 (Hoon)

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[PHOTOS] 130524 Soohyun at Summer Snow Rehearsal

[PHOTOS] 130522 uBEAT at Show Champion's Backstage

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[TWITTER] 130524 Simply Kpop's Update

[PHOTO] 130523 uBEAT @ MCountDown

[SPONSOR] 130523 Eli for PEACE BLOOM 7CUT T-SHIRTS (The Parment)

Credits: @qingxuan95 + fuckyeahukiss@tumblr

[VIDEO] 130522 uBEAT Should Have Treated You Better @ Show Champion

Credits: @qingxuan95 + MBCkpop@YT

[VIDEO] 130523 U-KISS @ Latin America Fanmeet Message

Credits: @qingxuan95 + jmpcolombia@YT

[PHOTOS] 130523 uBEAT on Arirang TV's "Simply KPOP"

[VIDEO] 130523 uBEAT Should Have Treated You Better @ MCountDown

Credits: @qingxuan95 + kakoru816@YT

[INSTAGRAM] 130523 Annie's Update with Kevin and Deanna

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[PHOTO] 130523 Eom Dongjin's Twitter Update - uBEAT

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[SPONSOR] 130523 Kevin for 'BONTYLE' Clothing

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[SPONSOR] 130523 Dongho for 'SYSTEM' Clothing

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[TWITTER] 130523 Ukiss Korea's Update

이제는 우리가 헤어져야 할 시간~다음에 또 만나요~♪ㅠㅠ어느덧 uBEAT활동에도 마지막이 다가오고 있습니다!아쉽지만 다음주 마지막 스케줄까지 화이팅!!*\(^o^)/* #uBEAT #유비트 pic.twitter.com/FM0XH6bs8A

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @ukisskorea


[PHOTO] 130522 Kevin @ Show Champion

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @showchampion1

[VIDEO] 130521 Simply Kpop full

Credits: @qingxuan95 + arirangworld@YT

[PHOTOS] 130512 Hoon and Eli Filming for KBS ”Let’s Go Dream Team” Season 2 Part 6

[VIDEO] 130521 uBEAT Should Have Treated You Better @ Simply Kpop

Credits: @qingxuan95 + arirangworld@YT

[INFO] 130521 U-KISS Latin American Tour Details!

Idol group U-KISS is confirmed to start their South American Tour in June. They will be having concerts in Peru, Colombia and also in Mexico. The information regarding their South America Tour and ticketing information can be checked out below.

 ★ U-KISS South American Tour ★
1. Peru (♣additional confirmation)
   Date & Time: 2013.06.21 at 8PM
   Location: Peru JOCKEY CLUB DEL PERÚ

2. Colombia
   Date & Time: 2013.06.23 at 8PM
   Location: ROYAL CENTER

3. Mexico
   Date & Time: 2013.06.28 at 8PM

★ U-KISS South American Tour Ticketing Information ★
   ※ Tickets are officially open from April 30

Ticket Information
   Peru : tu entrada >> http://www.tuentrada.com.pe/ (May 24 Open)
   Colombia : Ticket Express >> http://www.ticketexpress.com.co/web/
Mexico : Ticket Master >> http://www.ticketmaster.com.mx/

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via ukissmeforever08@blogspot

[TWITTER] 130521 Ukiss Korea's Update

한글자가 빠졌네요ㅠㅠ '화'보촬영이었습니다!!<고기굽는 남자 훈!그의 손을 거쳐 가지런히 놓여진 삼겹살!!고기굽기장인의 탄생:) > pic.twitter.com/4x6Ui6rxEg
고기굽는 남자 훈!보촬영마치고 회식자리에서 요기조기 옮겨다니며 고기를 손수 굽고 있는 훈훈한 남자 훈민이를 포착했어요ㅎㅎ그의 손을 거쳐 가지런히 놓여진 삼겹살!!고기굽기장인의 탄생:) pic.twitter.com/4x6Ui6rxEg

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @ukisskorea