
[FAN-TAKEN] 120602 Dongho, Kiseop and Eli @ OBS Palace Love Walkathon

[FANTAKEN] 120623 U-KISS at WBS-FM Special Stage (Lotte World)

[VIDEO] 120623 U-KISS Believe @ Music Core

Credits: @qingxuan95 + maeko1789@YT

[FANTAKEN] 120622 U-KISS Arriving + Leaving Music Bank

[TWITTER] 120623 Ukiss Korea's Updates

여러분을 만나러 갑니다! MBC음악중심 본방사수!!! http://twitpic.com/9zhmge

음중본방사수하신분!이제 내일 인기가요만 남았어요!아쉽다..ㅠㅠ내일 키스미여러분 많이 만날 수 있음 좋겠어요!그런 의미에서 하트뿅뿅 케빈&훈을 선물로 드려용♥♥내일만나요~~:) http://twitpic.com/9zhww7

인기가요 "Believe" 엔딩포즈를 절찬 모집중인 기섭>_< 공식카페 프롬게시판에 남긴 기섭이의 공지를 확인해보아용♥여러분들의 참신한 아이디어를 기다리고 있습니다*_* http://twitpic.com/9zjvm7

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @ukisskorea

[NEWS] U-KISS to Wrap Up “Believe” Promotions + To Hold Japanese Tour

Having a short promotions for special mini album ‘The Special to KissMe’ and title track “Believe”, U-Kiss plans to wrap up activities this weekend to focus on their upcoming tour in Japan. 

On June 21st, NH Media announced that U-Kiss will be having their last performances of member AJ’s self-composed track, “Believe”, this weekend on MBC’s ‘Music Core’ and SBS ‘Inkigayo’.

U-Kiss will then prepare for their upcoming month-long nationwide tour in Japan. Titled “U-KISS 1st JAPAN LIVE TOUR 2012「A Shared Dream」~Special Edition~”, the tour will kickstart in Hiroshima on July 7 before heading to Osaka, Sendai, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Sapporo and Niigata. 

The group also plans to release their Japanese single “Dear My Friend”, which already gaining attention in the country as its title track has been already chosen as the ending song of the Japanese animation “Stormy Night.”

Credits: @qingxuan95 + http://www.dkpopnews.net/

[TWITTER] 120623 Kevin's Update

저희 대기실에 백지영 누나의 강아지가 깜짝 방문했다! 정말 인형 같지않아요? 또 놀러와!^^ BaekJiYoung nuna's puppy is too cute!かわいいすぎる!キャー どうしてそんなにカワイイですか? http://twitpic.com/9zfrsc

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @Kevinwoo91

[VIDEO] 120618 U-KISS in Cambodia - Press Conference + Arriving

Credits: @qingxuan95 + UbiquitousKiss@YT

[VIDEO] 120622 U-KISS @ Sho-comi

Credits: @qingxuan95 + kfm9638@YT

[VIDEO] 120621 U-KISS (유키스) - DORA DORA (돌아돌아) [Simply Kpop]

Credits: @qingxuan95 + arirangworld@YT


[TWITTER] 120622 Ukiss Japan's Update

皆さん、今週もお勤め、勤勉、ご苦労様でした! 久しぶりのツイートで恐縮ですが、久しぶりの写真がコレっていうのはヤバいです。 鼻血です。見る前に心臓をポンポンたたいてから、ご覧ください!U-KISS ドンホさんです~ http://pic.twitter.com/nTGUIz2k

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @UKISS_Japan

[VIDEO] 120622 Dongho @ KBS Sponge Zero

Credits: @qingxuan95 + maeko1789@YT

[TWITTER] 120622 Dongho's Update

제가4년동안 활동하면서 "형"소리를 얼마전에 처음들었다...이친구한테...처음엔 너무너무 적응이안됐지만ㅜ이제는 슬슬받아드리고있는중이다ㅋㅋ 보이프렌드 민우 화이팅!!^^ (p.s 내가.....늙어보여.....췟!) http://pic.twitter.com/l7owDQ33

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @Dongho94

[PHOTOS] Alexander @ God’s Quiz Season 3

[VIDEO] 120621 God’s Quiz Season 3

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ocn@YT

[VIDEO] 120622 U-KISS Believe @ Music Bank

Credits: @qingxuan95 + maeko1789@YT

[PHOTO] 120622 Alexander God’s Quiz Season 3

Credits: @qingxuan95 + Nate + fuckyeahukiss@tumblr

[TWITTER] 120622 MPlusEnt's Update

OCN '신의퀴즈3' 드라마 6월24일 pm11:00 알렉산더출연 많은 시청 부탁드려요~ http://twitpic.com/9z5jn7

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @MPlusEntNews

[FANTAKEN] 120618 U-KISS "Live in Cambodia" Press Conference + Arrival + Fan Meeting Part 12

[FANCAM] 120618 U-KISS @ FanMeeting in Cambodia

[NEWS] Top 3 Male Celebrities That Are Prettier Than Females

Who is a part of the BEST3 for 'Males Celebrities Who Are Prettier than Females'?

Recently a discussion topic, titled 'Males Celebrities Who Are Prettier than Females', that was posted on forum board has been garnering lots of attention.

The best male celebrities dressed as a females include U-KISS's DongHo, SHINee's TaeMin and JYJ's Kim JunSu.

The interesting discussion topic has received several responses from netizens such as, "I'm a female and they are even prettier! How unlucky" "It's true, they are prettier. If I was born again, I want to be U-KISS's DongHo" "Truthfully...JunSu is my ideal male type".

Credits: Source + ROCKETBOXX.NET

[PHOTOS] 120621 U-KISS at Mnet M! Countdown


[VIDEO] 120621 U-KISS Believe @ MCountDown

Credits: @qingxuan95 + exo chanyeol@YT

[TWITTER] 120621 U-KISS @ MnetMcountdown's Update

유키스가 짧은 활동을 마무리 한다는 슬픈소식이 들려오네요...흑흑... 지금처럼 멋진 모습으로 다시 만날날을 기다리면서! 상큼한 사진 한장 투척!!! 오늘 저녁 6시 엠카운트다운에서 유키스를 만나보아요~ http://pic.twitter.com/jCSJwhtL

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @MnetMcountdown

[SPONSOR] U-KISS for Pancoat

[TWITTER] 120621 AJ's Update

존경하는 버벌진트 선배님과 엠카운트다운 대기실에서! 급한 마음에 찍어서 포커스가 안맞았네요 죄송합니다 선배님.. 선배님 같은 음악인이 되고싶습니다! http://pic.twitter.com/bZOsTjxY

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @JaeseopKim91AJ

[OTHER] 120620 Mail magazine’s message from Eli

Credits: @qingxuan95 + U-KISS Japan

[OTHER] PASS E's Present Campaign with U-KISS (Promotional Photo)

[!] Kintetsu Pass'e is the girls clothing mall that will use "Beautiful" (2nd track of "Dear My Friend") in their commercial. 2 campaigns: buy at least 3000yen and you can have a chance to win tickets for the tour OR signed tour tshirt, signed photocard or a poster.


[VIDEO] Hallyu in Colombia (한국-콜롬비아 수교 50주년, 한류를 만나다.) [Arirang Prime]

Credits: @qingxuan95 + arirangtoday@YT

[FANCAM] U-KISS @ Kintetsu Passe Commercial

Credits: @qingxuan95 + maeko1789@YT


[SPONSOR] 120620 Dongho for SPRIS Top

Credits: @qingxuan95 +  spris.com + @gladystxy

[FAN-TAKEN] 120620 KISSme Japan "History Book" 2011 Summer-2012 Spring

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @Lou87ise

[FAN-TAKEN] 120619 Soohyun, Kiseop and Hoon at Incheon Airport

[TWITTER] 120620 Dongho's Update

뽀님이준 생일선물 감사합니다ㅋㅋㅋ http://pic.twitter.com/5Yodep60

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @Dongho94

[FANTAKEN] 120618 U-KISS "Live in Cambodia" Press Conference + Arrival + Fan Meeting Part 11

[FANCAM] 120616 Kiseop @ KBS-R Super Junior’s Kiss The Radio Special

Credits: @qingxuan95 + alwayskiseop@YT

[FANCAM] 120603 KBS 1:100 퇴근길 KISEOP

Credits: @qingxuan95 + alwayskiseop@YT

[FANCAM] 120618 Dongho and Hoon @ FanMeeting in Cambodia

[FANTAKEN] 120618 U-KISS "Live in Cambodia" Press Conference + Arrival + Fan Meeting Part 10

[TWITTER] 120620 Kibum's Update

I miss u guys! Kwahahaha http://pic.twitter.com/VCtNQDoG

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @90KKB

[SPONSOR] Dongho, AJ, Kevin, and Hoon for EXR

[FANTAKEN] 120618 U-KISS "Live in Cambodia" Press Conference + Arrival + Fan Meeting Part 9