
[PHOTO] 121213 U-KISS on TOKYO MX ''Goji ni Muchuu''

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via rocketboxx.net

[FACEBOOK] 121214 U-KISS Facebook Icon & Banner Update

Credits: @qingxuan95 + U-KISS's official facebook + Rocketboxx.net

[PHOTO] 121215 U-KISS Autographed Poloroid for K-fan.me

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via rocketboxx.net

[FAN-TAKEN] 121215 U-KISS "Distance..." Display at Tower Records Shibuya

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via rocketboxx.net

[FANCAM] 121215 Star Call from Dongho

 Hi, it's u-kiss Dongho. Was in hostel now, living with Hyungs together. Long time didn't greet in Starcall. Happy to greet in this way at Japan. We will have many activity in Japan, please anticipate, and support us. Thanks. Bye bye~~

Credits: @qingxuan95 + Jinsupa Jareansri@YT + @MsCarrot_SH(translation)

[TWITTER] 121215 Ukiss Japan's Update

本日リリースイベント@セルシー千里 あいにくの雨模様ですが、ご来場頂いたみなさんありがとうございます。 日本デビュー2年目に突入しました!引き続き応援よろしくお願いします。 pic.twitter.com/C1AmLmCS

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @UKISS_Japan

[Vietsub] MNET Buzz Korea ft. U-KISS Ep1

[AMEBLO] 121215 Ukiss Blog's Update

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ameblo.jp/ukiss-blog

[VIDEO] 121215 UKISS @ "30 days of U-KISS"

Credits: @qingxuan95 + kfm9638@YT

[FANCAM] 121214 Star Call from Hoon

Credits: @qingxuan95 + Jinsupa Jareansri@YT

[TWITTER] 121215 Hoon's Update

오오!! 훈도 드디어 받앗어요!! I-phone 5 !! 고마워요 꽃돌이형~~ 잘쓸게욯~~❤ http://yfrog.com/g0265hxj

Credits: @qingxuan95 + HooN91y 

[TWITTER] 121215 Kiseop's Update

seop night~~~~! http://twitpic.com/blx8d4 

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @KiSSeop91


Credits; @qingxuan95 + via fuckyeahukiss@tumblr


[AMEBLO] 121214 Kibum's Updates

[TWITTER] 121214 Ukiss Japan's Update

本日ラゾーナ川崎にてリリースイベント実家中! 12/14はU-KISS日本デビュー1周年です。皆さん引き続きよろしくお願いします。 pic.twitter.com/zZDMEnmG

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @UKISS_Japan

[TWITTER] 121214 Soohyun's Update

아이폰 5 sk 에서 개통했어영 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ히히 완전 죠음 ㅎㅎㅣ히 심 부장님 감사합니당 ㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/9Gf8Xsi4

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @ukissSH

[FACEBOOK] 121203-121211 UKISS @ Seri’s Star Kitchen

Credits: @qingxuan95 + Seri’s Star Kitchen's facebook

[VIDEO] 121214 UKISS @ "30 days of U-KISS"

Credits: @qingxuan95 + kfm9638@YT

[VIDEO] 121210 UKISS @ Han Love

Credits: @qingxuan95 + 215mocha@YT

[FANTAKEN] 121213 U-KISS’s messages/signs at Tower Records in Shinjuku



Credits: @qingxuan95 + holomua kamanao@YT

[TWITTER] 121214 Kiseop's Updates

Are you ready? Let's Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://twitpic.com/blszfs 

키스미 여러분>_<오늘이 일본에서 데뷔한지!!!!1년이 되는 날입니당>_< 언제나 유키스 옆에서 힘이 되어 주셔서 고맙고 감사합니다.더 열심히 할께요^^ #UKISSJapan1stAnniversary http://twitpic.com/blmyeb 

今日は日本デビュー1周年です。 ファンのみなさんがいるから ユーキスがいます。 いつも私達のそばにいて下さい。 大好きです。 #UKISSJapan1stAnniversary http://twitpic.com/blmyeb 

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @KiSSeop91

[TWITTER] 121214 Kevin's Update

今日はU-Kissの日本デビュー1周年ですね!Kiss Me Japanのお陰で今年は本当にすてきな一年になりました~ いつでもU-Kissのそばにいてくれてありがたいです!これからもたくさん応援よろしくね~Kiss Me サランヘヨ♥ pic.twitter.com/xSdPdDAk

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @Kevinwoo91

[FANTAKEN] 121213 U-KISS in FUN Newspaper (121212)

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via ukissmeforever08@blogspot


[AMEBLO] 121213 Kibum's Update

[VIDEO] 121213 UKISS @ "30 days of U-KISS"

Credits: @qingxuan95 + kfm9638@YT

[TWITTER] 121213 Tower Records's Update

昨日、タワレコ渋谷店に「U-KISS」の皆様がご来店!NEWシングル『Distance...』4F展開場所の前でパチリ!頂きました。http://twitpic.com/blhmbx  サインやポラロイドも展示していますので、ぜひチェックしてくださいね♪

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @TOWER_Shibuya

[TWITTER] 121213 Kevin's Update

And just like a dream I know your love isnt real... Stop Girl 뮤비 촬영때 한컷~ 체스판 위에서 포즈 잡기^^ 久しぶりにStop Girlのしゃしんで~~~す^^ pic.twitter.com/Aqg3EAff

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @Kevinwoo91

[VIDEO] 121212 U-KISS @ ON8 radio

Credits: @qingxuan95 + maeko1789

[TWITTER] 121212 Tower Records's Update

【K-POP】本日5枚目のシングル、「Distance...」を発売したU-KISSのみなさんが先程新宿店にご来店!!!白い衣装に身を包んだその姿はまるで王子様のようでした~。 pic.twitter.com/1lmgs76e

Credits: @qingxuan95 + @TOWER_Shinjuku

[TWITTER] 121213 Hoon's Update

잠이 왜 안오지~ 키스미 얼굴하나하나 다 떠올려보도록 해야지 ~^^ 흫흫흐흐흫 얍!뿅! ♥ pic.twitter.com/HlTOcDi8

Credits: @qingxuan95 + HooN91y

[VIDEO] 121212 K-POP LOVERS! - U-KISS comment cut

Credits: @qingxuan95 + hoontokki2@YT

[FANTAKEN] 121130 Alexander at the Press Conference of Ignite Love Kpop Charity

[CAP] 121211 UKISS @ Making Distance MV

[FANCAM] 121201 Xander – Ignite Love Kpop Charity Concert 2012

[VIDEO] 121206 Brian, Alexander, and PJ – Behind the Scenes in Malaysia (IGNITE LOVE Charity Concert)

Credits: @qingxuan95 + 3rdwavemusictv@YT

[PHOTO] 121202 Alexander – 3rd Wave Music update

Credits: @qingxuan95 + via ukissfanfrance@wordpress

[FAN-TAKEN] 121206 Dongho @ Malaysia’s daily newspaper

Credits: @qingxuan95 + ukissfanfrance@wordpress

[VIDEO] 121204 Alexander Interview Teaser on Malaysian radio oneFM

Credits: @qingxuan95 + one FM@YT

[FAN-TAKEN] 121211 U-KISS Distance

Credits: @qingxuan95 + as tagged

[PHOTOS] 121212 U-Kiss' 5th Japanese Single "DISTANCE"