[TWITTER] 120629 Alexander's Update
Iceberry's "KING of BINGSU"!!!(゚д゚lll)Super HUGE!!! pic.twitter.com/CyXTEe3d
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @alexander_0729
[TWITTER] 120629 Ukiss Japan's Updates
突然ですが、仲良しです!! この2人組の場合、略称は何になりますでしょうか?? 皆さん教えてくださ〜い(o'∀')ノ pic.twitter.com/gTh4QYFz
それでは問題です。 U-KISSのメンバーであるちらのお二人の略称は何になるでしょうか?? 笑ってますo͡͡͡͡͡͡╮꒰♡∇♡*꒱╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡ pic.twitter.com/uVRRUfat
ドンホーーーーー 誕生日おめでとう!! ドタバタでしたが、サプライズになったかな?? みんなだいすきだぞーー ケーキを持ったカメラ目線のU-KISSドンホさんが、見たい方はFCブログまで!! 間もなくアップされると思います!! pic.twitter.com/LWWy0aiJ
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @UKISS_Japan
[TWITTER] 120628 EXPO_2012's Update
여수세계박람회 화이팅! 이라고 말해준 유키스~ 오늘도 스타와 함께하는 호강한 여니수니는 유키스 짱~이라고 말해주고 싶네요~^^ http://yfrog.com/gz818giyj
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @expo_2012
[TWITTER] 120628 BBOWOO's Update
DoraDora 촬영날 대세 여훈민선생 ( @HooN91y ) 을 열심히 촬영중인 나, 그리고 몇시간 후 생일을 맞이하실 포토그래퍼 신동호실장 ( @Dongho94 ) http://pic.twitter.com/DjJ36lFE
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @bbowoo
[NEWS] U-KISS is the top K-pop act selected by experts in this week’s ‘KPOPULOUS’!
It’s no secret that we all have our own favorite music acts, but do you ever wonder who the music experts believe to be the top acts in K-pop today?
That’s where ‘KPOPULOUS‘ comes in. ‘KPOPULOUS’ is a segment that is aired through Arirang TV‘s ‘Pops in Seoul’ every week to bring you a fresh look at different acts in K-Pop.
Ten experts from various fields that represent the Korean music industry have come together to share their favorite music acts each week through ‘KPOPULOUS’. Not only will you get to see exclusive interviews with the artists, it’ll all be in English as well!
Check out the episode featuring U-KISS, and stay tuned as allkpop updates you with a fresh episode of ‘KPOPULOUS’ every week!
Credits: @qingxuan95 + allkpop
[TWITTER] 120628 Hoon's Update
이제 모닝스캐줄 끝내구 여수로~!!! 그 찰나에 즉석 츄~!! 약속 썩쎄스~!! ㅎㅎ http://pic.twitter.com/CFgciyBc
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @HooN91y
[VIDEO] 120619 - U-Kiss & JJ Project & Wonder Girls - Back stage - Show Champion
Credits: @qingxuan95 + CapsuleHD6@YT
[TWITTER] 120627 Ukiss Korea's Update
연습은 힘두러~(>人<;) 연습중 쉬는시간 다함께 나란히 떡실신~ http://pic.twitter.com/2Qu1jBxw
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @ukisskorea
[TWITTER] 120627 Ukiss Japan's Updates
デビュー1400日目を本日迎えたあの人が、スタジオにかなり早く登場したので、他のメンバーがくるまで一緒にランチにいって来ました (⑅ ॣ•͈ᴗ•͈ ॣ)∟ᵒᵛᵉ૫૦∪ カメラ目線の写真はFCブログにて!!! http://pic.twitter.com/QCG2PqIU
U-KISS男7人の背中を感じてください▽・w・▽ http://pic.twitter.com/00b2MVJm
特に今日は、U-KISSラップ将軍AJの背中を感じてください! http://pic.twitter.com/zNjuR2RQ
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @UKISS_Japan
[TWITTER] 120627 Kiseop's Updates
날....씨.....대.....박~~~~! http://twitpic.com/a0ymjn
오늘 1400일>_< 고마워 키스미~~!! 스릉흔드~~~^^ http://twitpic.com/a0yxrh
Credits: @qingxuan95 + @KiSSeop91
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